Work - Part 7

Scripture Reading - Genesis 2:1-3 KJV

1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will continue to focus on “Work”. In the lesson “Work - Part 1” we focused on “work” being God’s idea and God’s Will for all mankind. It is said that it is so much God’s idea that we will continue our “work” in heaven that we started upon the earth. In the lesson “Work – Part 2” we looked at God blessing all different types of work whether you consider yourself a blue collar, pink collar or white collar worker. God equally blesses working with your hands while at the same time you are working with your mind also, we think while we “work” about our jobs and other workers. In the lesson “Work – Part 3” we taught on not trying to land the God ordained perfect job first because if you’re like most others it will take years for you to work in the perfect job God created you for. Remember patience is a godly virtue so be patient for your perfect job. In the lesson “Work – Part 4” we explained the “housewife” or “house woman” if unmarried is an ordained job from God. We attempted to dispel the notion that working in the house is easy because in reality no “fruitful work” is easy and it is especially more challenging when you need to “work” in all three realms; spirit, soul and body. In the lesson “Work – Part 5” we discussed “faithfulness” on all three levels. Faithfulness spiritually by including God’s counsel and the principles of the Word of God in your work. Faithfulness mentally by maintaining a strong sharp mind in relation to being courteous and respectful to fellow workers. Faithful physically by working hard and staying at work longer if a certain task needs to be completed before you go home. In the lesson “Work – Part 6” we emphasized “service” specifically highlighting our service to God from a Titus 2:6 perspective. Thus we should obey our leaders and endeavor to please them which includes no complaining or back talking, nor should we ever steal (borrowing included) even a pencil from our place of employment because it is wrong in the sight of God. In this lesson “Work – Part 7” we will speak about “not working” in relation to “resting from work” as God rested from His work. We all know according to Genesis 2:15 that God took the man He created and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it which means God put the man to “work”. Yes, God was the first employer and He is still our ultimate employer for life including all things pertaining to this life on earth and we will continue being employed by God while residing in Heaven. We must notice according to today’s reference scriptures that even God rested from all His work (labors, functions, goals, creations). This means that “resting” is not all about being tired and needing to “rest”, no it is much more than that. For surely God knew that man would be so focused on work because as we stated in “Work – Part 1” work is a God idea and practice, that man could lose sight of God and blessing other people. Therefore the main reason that we partake of the Sabbath Day is to focus on loving God and others while giving thanks to God for providing for us through the “works of our hands”. Yes, “resting” on the seventh day does help the body to take it easy and it is the proper time for complete mental rest also because sometimes mental work is just as tiring as physical work. However, think about it, it is not God’s Will for every man to work so hard during the first six days of the week that their body just can’t handle the seventh day of the week. No, we find out in Genesis 3:17-19 that work became much harder after the fall of man. Yes, the term “sweating while you worked” was not mentioned prior to the fall of mankind but it was a direct result (repercussion) of the fall of man. God has grace to help us on whatever we are working on but His Grace is accessed by faith that we show to His Name and our obedience to His principles. Therefore, we could never have faith for something that our conscious condemns us on, so we must purpose in thought and deed to always do what is right by “working when God says to work” and by “resting when God says to rest”. Some believe “rest” to be optional but God gave commandment for all men to do it, so the option was removed by God’s Word. This Sabbath Day or one could say the Seventh Day is Holy unto the Lord so it cannot be taken lightly or discretionary. Yes, just like the tenth of your tithe is all God’s, likewise is the Sabbath Day is all God’s too. The “Sabbath Day” is the day you dedicate to acknowledging God because doing this will affect your worship to God and your attitude towards people. The Lord God always knows what you are thinking, speaking and doing so it is impossible to do whatever you want without being noticed by God. Yes, the Lord is so serious about His People obeying the “Sabbath Day” that He gave commandment in Exodus 31:14 & 15 that any Israelite or stranger living with the Children of Israel who didn’t keep the “Sabbath Day” should be cut-off, yes even put to death for not obeying God’s commandment. Some could say, “Do you have an example?” Why yes we certainly do, in Numbers 15:32-36 we noticed an example in the Old Testament where a man went out collecting sticks on the “Sabbath Day” and the Children of Israel brought him to Moses. Once Moses inquired from God about what to do The Faithful Judge, God, sentenced the man to death just like The Law previously stated. This is good government in our opinion because no jury was necessary, no second opinion needed to be scheduled, no trial was suggested, just judgment based on the Word of God built into the Laws of the Land. The whole congregation stone the man unto death not because he was trying to kill someone else but rather solely because this man despised God. Any person who thinks it is OK to ignore God’s Laws (His Commandments) is on the devil’s side not God’s side which our God is for the betterment of all the people, God is not against man, not even one single soul. Thank the Lord Jesus Christ that He personally took upon Himself all of our sins because we (ihlcc) would probably be dead also had it not been for the grace and mercy of our God. The point is even though God and His People (both Christian and Jew) will not stone you today we should still obey the “Sabbath Day” and the principle of “resting” unto God. This means at least one day a week you should devote to God because those who don’t are publically confessing that they don’t regard God, nor do they care for His Statues (His Word and Commandments). In the Old Testament we learn by physical example what we need to understand spiritually today. Thus, not obeying the commandments of God in the Old Testament meant physical death under the curse of The Law now symbolizes spiritual death to us of the New Testament. Thankfully, through the Cross of Christ Jesus God’s love keeps working with us even in the presence of spiritual death (loss of God’s Spiritual Life, disconnected from accurately hearing from God) because God’s Love is able to prevail in our life when you open your heart to Him. Yes, The Good Shepherd did not come to kill or destroy man’s life but He came that we might have eternally life and enjoy this life on earth more abundantly according the John 10:10. So if you do any “work” on the “Seventh Day” be sure it is an inner spiritual work between yourself and God. You can also work with others on the “Sabbath Day” as Pastor’s do just so long as your conversation involves (includes) God. Practicing this will also enhance your fellowship with people around you because taking “a day of rest” usually equates to spending more quality time with those you love and those same people who love you. Just remember the “Sabbath Day” is God ordained and was meant (intended) to be “a day of devotion to God”. So please remember that they, our Lord Jesus and our Father God, are waiting to hear from you and they are always anxious (happy) to not only hear from you about what you are doing but they also just like to fellowship with you in all peace and comfort. Therefore, do your “Sabbath Day” every week and we are sure you will see great benefits during the rest of the week because obedience in keeping the “Sabbath Day” pays big dividends on that day and the other six days of the week. Also, know if one day a week dedicated to God is not enough you can decide to increase it to the appropriate days of complete satisfaction because Jesus and our Heavenly Father love you so much they left their fellowship with you all in your hands, now isn’t God Good all the time and all the time God is Good toward you. Amen!